Coaching + Pregnancy Support

Congratulations on beginning your journey to parenthood! This exciting yet new phase can bring uncertainty about your next steps. You might not be ready to fully commit to a doula but still desire their insights and expertise. Perhaps you've finished a childbirth education class and wish to enhance your knowledge to formulate your own birth preferences. Or maybe you just need some guidance as you prepare for childbirth. Whatever your situation, I am here to offer my support.

1:1 Birth Coaching + Education

I offer labor and childbirth guidance sessions to help you create your birth preferences. My sessions are designed to help you explore birthing options, craft your tailored birth preferences, and learn how to advocate for your desired birth experience.

  • Empowerment through Education

    B.R.A.I.N Analysis for Decision-Making

    Finding Your Voice and Advocacy

    Crafting a Preference List

    Comfort Measures

    Additional Resources

  • 3 virtual sessions you can access wherever you feel comfortable. Partners or support partners that will be present at the birth must attend these sessions.


  • 3 sessions in the comfort of your own home + practice hands on comfort measures together. Partners or support partners that will be present at the birth must attend these sessions.


    *please note: residences more than 25 miles from Northfield are subject to a milage fee.